Petco Love Grant 2023

Petco Love - Helping MK9 Rescue Working Dogs Around The World

Mission K9 Rescue Receives $50,000 Grant from Petco Love Foundation to Save Working Dogs

At Mission K9 Rescue, our mission is to bring retired working dogs home, where they can enjoy the love and comfort they deserve after years of dedicated service. Today, we are thrilled to share the news of a $50,000 grant awarded to us by the Petco Love Foundation in 2023. This generous grant has made a significant impact, allowing us to transport a group of contract working dogs from Afghanistan to the United States and provide them with the veterinary care they need.

The journey these dogs have taken is nothing short of remarkable. Each of these brave animals served alongside our troops, protecting lives and offering companionship in some of the most challenging environments. When their service came to an end, they faced uncertainty and were left behind. Thanks to the support from Petco Love Foundation, we were able to ensure that these dogs made it safely back to the United States, where they can now begin a new chapter of their lives.

Transporting dogs from a conflict zone is no small task. It involves careful planning, coordination, and a lot of resources. The Petco Love Foundation’s grant covered the costs of this complex operation, including the logistics of bringing the dogs home and the critical veterinary care they required upon arrival. This care is essential, ensuring that the dogs are healthy and ready to be placed in loving forever homes.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Petco Love Foundation for their support. This grant truly is life-saving. It has given these loyal dogs a chance to live out their lives in peace, surrounded by love and care. We are deeply grateful for this partnership and for the opportunity to continue our work in rescuing and rehabilitating retired working dogs.

As we move forward, we are committed to honoring the trust that Petco Love Foundation has placed in us. We will continue to provide the highest level of care for these dogs and work tirelessly to find them the loving homes they deserve. Thank you, Petco Love Foundation, for being a part of this mission and for helping us make a difference in the lives of these incredible dogs.

Mine Detection Dogs serving in Bosnia need transport help!

Three Mine Detection Dogs need transport funding from Bosnia to the USA. 

They have served their entire lives searching for landmines left from the violence of war. The work is tedious and exhausting, yet they make a difference! Because of their service, children can play again in fields without worry of being hurt or killed by unexploded mines.

Now, that are older and their work is done, the NGO tasked with mine clearing and caretaker for these great dogs asked MissionK9 to bring them back to the USA and provide them with care and loving homes. We are glad to rescue them and with your help they’ll be on a plane soon! We can’t wait to show you pictures of them in the USA!

Support and Donate Here – Mine Detection Dogs Transport Fund


Due their location (Bosnia), transportation options are limited. The cost to bring them home is $12,000 – Thank you for making this happen!

Please give as you are able – You’ll smile knowing you’ve helped rescue these heroes!

MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas. We operate World Wide.

Please take the time to donate to MissionK9 Rescue. Your donations help us with all the expenses related to our mission.

If you prefer Paypal – 

Donate to Mission K9 Rescue If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail: Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

Hero Dogs in Need

Giving A Retired Military Hero A Home
WOW!  So many of you have been with us since the beginning.. over 7 years now! We’ve shared our joys and sadness with you throughout this time and we feel like you are part of our family. Everything we have done and are able to do now is because of YOU! We can’t thank you enough for the donations and support you have helped us with. You are true change makers! The Need: MWD GinarMWD Ginar Invoice We’ve paid heavy medical expenses this month for some great dogs like MWD Ginar. She has a mass in need of treatment and is now enrolled in our medical fund. Ginar is 11 years old and has served her county well! Her current bill is approaching a total of $2000.00
We appreciate YOUR HELP to cover her bill so that other dogs can also receive medical care! Thank you so much! Make a donation CWD Belo CWD Belo needed exploratory surgery to evaluate an abnormality on his radiograph. This hero has provided exemplary service and we stepped up to help. The cost so far for his procedure is approximately $1927 which we have also paid out of the Retired K9 Medical Fund. Thank YOU for helping, paying Belo’s bill so another Hero Dog’s care can be scheduled! Make a donation CWD Belo Medical Again – with your generous donations, you are saving K9 lives and making Heroes whole again! Thank you so much! The collective “WE” makes all this possible. The Mission K9 Rescue team appreciates your kind words, your help, and your financial support. Thank you so much for everything you do for the dogs! graphical user interface, text, application

Bring Two Brave K9 Veterans Home!


By Zita Ballinger Fletcher

We turn to you again to ask for help on behalf of two courageous veterans, who have served their country with no less dedication and sacrifice than soldiers in uniforms.

They are two loyal and hardworking K9 veterans–both far from their home in America. One of them is in Korea; the other in Afghanistan.

Your donations will give these dogs a chance to recover in the caring arms of people who love them. Your generosity can give the dog in Korea a much-needed rest at the family home of its handler, while that handler goes again to Afghanistan for another tour of active military duty.

Not all dogs can survive without for dogs, so be sure you do right medicines for the dogs.

And any dollars you can spare will provide much-needed, emergency medical treatments for the dog in Afghanistan, who sadly has suffered in the service of our country. Your donations will pay for immediate veterinary care and allow the dog to heal at our ranch until well enough to be adopted by a loving and responsible owner.

Any amount, no matter how small, will help.

Donate here

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX  77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

Learn more about MissionK9 – Watch the video below!

Mission K9 Rescue is the proud recipient of the Petco Foundation’s 2017 “Helping Heroes” Award


Bring Dogs Home to America for the Holidays

By Zita Ballinger Fletcher Contract working dogs sacrifice their lives to protect humans, working tirelessly to detect explosives and narcotics. Owned and contracted by private companies, they are sent to foreign countries, where they spend long hard hours searching for dangerous materials. They often work in extreme temperatures and are given meager amounts of food. Jenny, shown in the photo, was one of these dogs. Like many of her K9 comrades, she suffered from abuse and overwork. She had no rest or play. She was kept in a large outdoor cage with nothing but sand and rocks. Many dogs die in such conditions. We were able to save Jenny’s life thanks to the help of caring supporters. We were able to pay for Jenny and two other contract working dogs to come home to the United States, where they were given medical care and love. Jenny had surgery on her knee, was placed in a caring foster home and has been adopted. We were able to save Jenny’s life However, our work is not done. There are many more dogs just like Jenny waiting to come home to America. They depend on us to bring them back safely. They must wait to be rescued, until we are able to pay for their homecoming journey and care. Sometimes we are not able to raise enough funds to bring these dogs back in time. Sometimes these dogs die waiting.

We know very well about the love and care these hard working dogs will receive from people here in the United States, and that is something we do not want them to miss. We try to save as many of them as we can. But it costs an average of $2000 per dog to pay for its travel out of certain regions of the world, board the dog for a short time during its recovery, and provide much-needed veterinary care.

These extraordinary dogs risk their lives to help humans—the least thing we can do is give them our help in return. Our goal is to bring more of these heroic and sadly neglected contract working dogs back home to America before the year-end. We can do it with your help. Any amount, no matter how small, helps. Donate here If you prefer to donate via Paypal: Click – If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail: Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395
713-589-9362 MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas. EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government. We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

Retired Hero Working Dogs – Help With Transport Home

Working Dogs are Waiting to Come Home!

From a Life of WORK to Homes with LOVE

We’ve worked SO HARD to get more dogs from Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan back to the USA that we need to raise transport funds in advance as we always have dogs waiting.

These brave Hero Dogs search Cargo and Equipment for Bombs and Drugs to keep us Safe at Home and Abroad.

They are highly trained Contract Working Dogs, specialized in Drug, Explosive and even Money detection.

They come from contractors that have failed or have financial issues due to lost contracts, etc and this puts the dogs in great danger.

The older dogs are the first to suffer.

All of these dogs need vet care (some serious) and they are not getting the exercise or food that they need.

The average cost to transport a dog from these foreign countries, provide boarding, health certificates, vet care and enrichment is approximately $2000 per dog.

YOU make all this possible – individuals are making the difference with these transports.

Since 2014, Mission K9 Rescue has transported HUNDREDS of dogs HOME and paid over $500,000 in Veterinary Bills to make them whole.

You ask us to do more and we always do!

We need your financial help to bring more home now – Thank you SO MUCH for donating!

Donate here

If you prefer to donate via Paypal: Click –

To mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

17 CWD’S Remained In Kuwait – You Brought Them Home!

Remember These 17 CWD’s That Remained In Kuwaiti Kennels?

YOU Brought Them HOME!

AND.. we brought 24 dogs home, not 17!

They arrived mid October and you can see videos and many photos NOW on our Facebook page.

Not all Working Dog Contractors remain financially stable. When they suffer financially, dogs suffer too and are often left waiting for someone else to bring them home.

17 Retired Bomb and Drug Dogs are WAITING NOW in Kuwait – the LAST of the dogs from this company!

They are getting NO EXERCISE. Working Dogs NEED Stimulation – They get NONE!

The average cost to transport a dog from Kuwait, provide boarding, health certificates, vet care and enrichment is approximately $2000 per dog.

We are MissionK9Rescue – Google “MissionK9” or “MissionK9Rescue” to see our work.


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas. – EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization


YOU make all this possible – individuals are making the difference with these transports.

In 2016, MissionK9 brought 63 dogs home and paid thousands of dollars in Veterinary Bills for many more.

You ask us to do more and we always do!

If you prefer to donate via Paypal, please send to

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

15 Working Dogs Are No Longer Waiting – Thanks to You!


You helped us reach our goal and this group is safe!

We have new group waiting now… please see here.

MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

CWD Belle Reunited with Her Marine Handler

Contract Working Dog Belle Reunited with Her Marine Handler

Sergeant Sam Wettstein was separated from his contract working dog Belle after a tour in Afghanistan. Not a day went by that Sergeant Wettstein did not think of Belle and when she was discharged early he was ready to bring her home.

Belle and Sergeant Wettstein spent numerous hours on missions that saved the lives of many Marines and service members. “I was at loss of words when I found out there was a chance to be reconnected with Belle,” said Wettstein. “I can’t explain the bond that you forge with your dog, your partner. It’s unlike any experience I have ever had.”

Wettstein and Belle were reunited at the San Diego International Airport.

Mission K9 Rescue through the generous donations of others and in collaboration with the American Humane Association, arranged the reunion in San Diego on August 1st, 2014.

There is no doubt that CWD Belle remembered her marine! They look forward to a long life that includes duck hunting.

Thanks to all who donated to make this reunion possible!

How To Adopt A Retired Military Working Dog

Sam and Jessica Wettstein, Contract Working Dog Belle, and Kristen Maurer, Mission K9 Rescue Co Founder and President.

Mission K9 Rescue is a team of dedicated individuals and is funded solely through the monetary support of individuals that share our passion and respect for Contract Working Dogs.

Mission K9 Rescue is a nonprofit organization focused on bringing contract working dogs and military working dogs back to the United States from combat abroad as well as stateside, and reuniting the dogs with their former handlers whenever possible.

Your support is deeply appreciated and is paramount to our ability to “Lend a Hand to the Paws that Serve”.

Donate here

You can donate via Paypal to

If you prefer to mail a check,please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization