MissionK9 Awarded “Helping Heroes Award” by Petco Foundation

San Diego, CA (4/19/2017) – And the crowd went wild as MWD Rossi barked at the PERFECT TIME as Mission K9 Rescue Co Founders were presented with the “Helping Heroes” award by the PETCO Foundation in recognition of our work with Military, Police, and Contract Working Dogs.

We’ve accomplished a lot in 4 years and we’re proud of the work we do for the dogs!

We couldn’t do it without our Facebook friends, our donors,The United States War Dogs Association and the incredible Petco Foundation! All of you have made what we do possible, and together we know that there is more good to come!

Donate here

Our PayPal Address is MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

Mission K9 Rescue is a dedicated team that shares your passion for the retired, retiring and contract working dogs that we serve. Our organization is funded solely through the monetary support of individuals that share our passion and respect for Working Dogs. Your support is deeply appreciated and is paramount to our ability to keep “Serving America’s Working Dogs”.

There are a variety of ways to make donations to Mission K9 Rescue. No matter how big or small, every donation counts with Mission K9 Rescue.

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

Veteran K9 Ranch – A Work In Progress

Veteran K9 Ranch – Building A Home for Heroes

We are SO PROUD of our New Houston Area Kennel for our Hero Working Dogs!

With any new facility there are needs for start up items to help make our kennel the best it can be for our Retired Contract Working Dogs, Military Working Dogs and Police K9’s.

So many have given toward the needs of the ranch! We appreciate you so much and will post an updated video soon! (Updated 5/21/2017)

Veteran K9 Ranch Start Up Needs

Upgraded Kennel Air Conditioning Unit – NO LONGER NEEDED

This was donated to MissionK9’s Veteran K9 Rescue Ranch by:

American Comfort Solutions – WWW.COOLAIRSAM.COM – Thank you SO MUCH!!!

800 ft. of 6ft. Galvanized 9 Gauge Chain Link Fence and Associated Hardware

Cost of the Fencing is approximately $6000 plus installation – This is for the perimeter of the property and is still an need, although not critical. (Updated 5/21/2017)

Upgraded Septic System – once Outdoor Runs are installed it will be a must have.

Cost of Septic Improvements are being evaluated at this time and when outdoor runs are installed a separate system will have to be in place.(Updated 5/21/2017)

Exhaust Fans for Air Movement in Kennel and DeHumidification

Cost of Exhaust Fans and Installation is $1500 for a pair of Louvered Fans – This is still a need but not critical. (Updated 5/21/2017)

External Doors for Kennel Runs

Cost of Doors and and Installation for all our runs is $6480 – Still a need but not critical. (Updated 5/21/2017)

Drywall Installation for External Kennel Run Doors

(Building is Metal, once holes are cut the insulation will be exposed.
Drywall is needed to prevent the dogs from being exposed to it)

Install and Materials are Approximately $2800 – This is still a need but not critical. (Updated 5/21/2017)

Vehicle for Veterinary Transport, Kennel Supplies, Etc.

We have leased a van to serve our needs temporarily – We can certainly use a vehicle specifically designed to transport dogs however the cost is high. (Updated 5/21/2017)

With any new venture, there are always start up expenses.

We thank YOU for helping us make our new facility the BEST it can be for our Retired Hero Dogs!

Watch the Video!


The dogs will enjoy the country setting and have space to exercise, receive needed Veterinary Care, and get rehabilitation as needed before going to Forever Homes.

Mission K9 Rescue directly operates the kennel with Professional K9 Handlers.

It will be a place for events, demos, as well as a spot to meet our Hero Dogs in the near future.

Please donate toward our Kennel Start Up Needs!

If you want to donate one of the actual items, please email Bark@missionk9rescue.org

Thank you so much!

Donate here

If you prefer to donate via Paypal, please send to MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

To mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

Year End Fund Drive – We Made It!

We made the matching grant and went over our goal!!!! Thank you so much! This was fully funded. (Updated 5/21/2017)


Each year since we began, Mission K9 Rescue has doubled in size. With that increase comes an increase in expectations from our supporters and an increase in spend as we have also doubled our work load.

Even with all this growth, 90% of your donations go directly to our work. Nothing is wasted and we want to do what you have asked us to do… and that is to help MORE Working Dogs!

We have an anonymous donor that has offered a $40,000 matching grant to help with transports and vet expenses for the year end.

If we raise $40,000 from our Supporters, we get the additional $40,000 grant. If not, we get nothing.

Our founders are in Kuwait NOW, bringing more dogs home and we have 16 more waiting!

Meet CWD Charlie!
He is in Kuwait now and coming HOME Thursday Nov 29th!

Why aren’t those 16 dogs coming home now you ask?

The answer is that we don’t have the funds available to bring them now.

This $40,000 matching grant will let us bring them ALL HOME and provide the needed care they will require prior to adoption.

PLEASE – HELP MK9 get this grant!

The dogs DESERVE to come home and live healthy and happy lives!

Thank you all for your support this past year – We cannot do what we do WITHOUT YOU!

Donate here

Our PayPal Address is MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


Mission K9 Rescue is a non-profit organization, operating world wide, formed and based in Houston, Texas.

Our sole purpose is to support and raise funds for retired and retiring working dogs that have served bravely to keep the lives of their handlers safe. Your donations to Mission K9 Rescue help us assist these hero working dogs. The dogs we strive to serve have operated from the battlefield to the streets working tirelessly yet only asking for a treat or a pat on the head in return.

Mission K9 Rescue is a dedicated team that shares your passion for the retired, retiring and contract working dogs that we serve. Our organization is funded solely through the monetary support of individuals that share our passion and respect for Working Dogs. Your support is deeply appreciated and is paramount to our ability to “Lend a Hand to the Paws that Serve”.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

We made this goal! Thank you so much!

We always have needs for the dogs and over 93% of your donations go to the work. We always appreciate your financial support!

An Unbreakable Bond – Officer Finley and K9 Furax

Watch this heartwarming video and donate $5 or more to help us have more reunions just like this!
We cannot do it without your support and have many dogs waiting NOW.

Donate here

Our PayPal Address is MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


Tate County Sheriff’s Deputy Brandon Finley and his police canine partner Furax, an eight year old Belgian Malinois, spent three years patrolling and protecting the streets and citizens of Tate County, Mississippi. That was until a fateful night in February 2011 when Brandon (who was off duty at the time) was shot. The shooting left Brandon critically injured with massive head trauma and Furax’s future unknown. While Brandon was fighting for his life in the hospital, Furax was being retired from the department, because no one else could handle him. Brandon’s family wanted to keep Furax, and asked a “friend” to hold Furax while they focused on Brandon. Instead, the friend sold Furax to a local man who wanted Furax for protection. Instead of giving Furax the retirement that he deserved, the man left Furax in his backyard and neglected him for nearly six years.

Earlier this year, the new owner passed away, and Furax was rescued. He had suffered such a severe case of neglect that he too has extensive brain trauma and neurological disorders. His amazing rescuers knew that Furax needed a lot of help, so they contacted Mission K9 Rescue who took him into their care. Furax suffered from numerous issues including heart worms. Once he was treated for all of his problems, Mission K9 Rescue put him up for adoption and posted him on their Facebook page. Thanks to the power of social media, the family, who had been searching for Furax, contacted the page and the plan to get him back to Mississippi began.

Even though Brandon has extensive brain injuries and has limited speech, he has never forgotten his canine partner. When he was told that Furax was coming home, he became very happy. According to Brandon’s sister Amanda, when he was asked what he was going to do with Furax once he arrived, he responded in sign language, “Throw the ball.” Since Mission K9 Rescue and the family have connected, many pictures and videos of Furax have been sent to them. When they showed a video of Furax to Brandon, he “lit up and began to cry happy tears.” It is clear by Brandon’s reactions that no matter what the brain goes through, the bond between handler and canine is so unbreakable that the memory remains in tact. These two amazing heroes have been apart for too long, and it is time that they reunite and spend the rest of their lives healing together.

MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

15 Working Dogs Are No Longer Waiting – Thanks to You!


You helped us reach our goal and this group is safe!

We have new group waiting now… please see here.

MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

MWD Yago N289 – Rest In Peace

MWD Yago N289 was an 8 yr old German Shepherd who served with the Navy from 2010-2015. His first duty station was at CNRSW in San Diego, CA. He was later transferred to NAVBAS Ventura County in 2011. He was a Drug/Patrol Dog, and he was one of the best on the West Coast until a medical condition called firbrotic myopathy earned him an early retirement in 2015. Yago was very well known for being a very hard headed and energetic boy.

Since being retired with his mom Krystal, Yago has thrived. He enjoys living on a 10 acre farm in Southern California, and spending a lot of time in the yard with his indestructible dog ball and stealing toys from his other fur siblings.

On June 3rd, MWD Yago began to show signs of diarrhea. Within 24 hours his issues began to worsen, and his blood work showed that his liver values had suddenly increased dramatically. He was immediately put on medications. By the end of this last weekend, he had lost almost 17lbs . He had stopped eating and was getting extremely lethargic. Yago was hospitalized at the Speciality Clinic on Monday, June 13th. Our biggest fear was cancer, but thankfully, x-rays and ultrasound did not show any suspicious areas. His Liver values were slowly coming down, however, his white blood cells were elevating. More antibiotics were added on Tuesday. We were thankful that his white blood cells were responding to all of the new medications that were being introduced.

Unfortunately, all of the medical symptoms are causing a snowball effect, and his kidneys are paying the price for the significantly low proteins that are not able to utilize his fluids.

His blood work is also showing that he is now becoming septic which doctors are trying to figure out what the cause of that is as well. Because the doctors are unable to operate to obtain a biopsy at this time, Yago in ineligible for some much needed tests. He now needs a plasma transfusion to help stop the process. The internal medicine specialist that is seeing his case feels very strongly that his quality of life and prognosis will be outstanding if we can stop the snowball effect of symptoms.

The medical staff has enjoyed his sweet disposition and his great love for his Kong that had kept him company throughout this process. They have said nothing but wonderful things about Yago since he was admitted. We are expecting at least a couple more days of hospitalization and then follow up appointments. Currently Mission K9 Rescue has picked up all his medical costs, but more bills are mounting daily, and we could use your help to allow us to keep helping him.

Krystal has known Yago N289 since he arrived at her kennel in 2010. He was a silly happy, overly energetic guy, that was crazy for everything. “I was super excited to be contacted by NBVC as a prospective adopter for him, and he has been a joy to have at home. He still has that love of life and toys, and as long as he is willing to fight, I will help him fight to the best of my ability. He is a wonderful part of our family, and we feel that he has many more years in him to enjoy his well earned retirement.” said Krystal. As long as she and Yago are willing to fight, Mission K9 Rescue are willing to fight with her! Will you help us fight for this sweet hero?

Update – September 2016 – Through the kindness of our donors, Yago’s bills were paid in full. He continued to deteriorate and it was found that he had a fast growing cancer. Yago passed and is missed by all who he touched. Run in Paradise, Yago!

Help more Working Dogs like MWD Yago get needed Veterinary Care – Donate to MissionK9Rescue Today!

Donate here

Our PayPal Address is MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue was formed and is based in Houston, Texas.

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

War Dog Reunions – 2014

MissionK9Rescue reunited many Hero Dogs with their Handlers in 2014.

This video is a compilation of many of these and shows you the love between these heroes.

Will you help make more reunions a reality?

Donate here

Donate via Paypal – MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


MissionK9Rescue transports Military Working Dogs for free for their handlers with the help of public donations to support these Hero Working Dogs.

Thank you so much!

EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!

MWD Grimm Reunited with His Handler

MWD Grimm, Retired in Bahrain and Reunited by MissionK9Rescue

His Handler, MA3 Kolby Jones reached out to MissionK9Rescue for assistance and we were glad to help these Heroes reunite.

Jones states that Grimm is starting to feel his age and is excited to see his partner and companion home to live out his retirement with love and in comfort.

(Edit Sept 2016) MWD Grimm enjoyed a short but loving retirement and passed away in August, 2016.

Run In Paradise, MWD Grimm – We have your watch now!

Help with more reunions – Donate today!

Donate here

Our PayPal Address is: MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!


Working Dogs in Service to America

A Salute to Working Dogs

With great respect and honor, we thank the thousands of brave Military Working Dogs that gave their lives working alongside American Servicemen and Women as well as those Human souls who also sacrificed their lives; including the ones whose names are written on this wall.

Mission K9 Rescue exists because of their sacrifice.

Mission K9 Rescue is the first line of support for Working Canines and their Handlers. We are boots on the ground, with a hands on approach, while fighting to change the laws in Washington in order to better the lives of these amazing dogs in their retirement.

We help with Transportation, Medical Care, and Forever Homes.

In 2014 we helped over 75 dogs with transportation and medical care, and you witnessed Handlers being reunited with their partners over and over again. We have helped Military Working Dogs, Contract Working Dogs, Police Canines, Prison Canines, Private Investigator Canines and U.S Customs and Border Patrol Canines. If a Working Dog of any kind needed our help we were there.

Mission K9 Rescue recognized the needs of these heroes and worked to make dreams come true.

Our dream is to do twice as much in 2015 and we need your help!

Your donations help reunite Hero Dogs with their Handlers, Rescue Contract Working Dogs from kennels overseas, assist in helping all working canines and give them all of the care they deserve.

Will you give to help Working Dogs?

Donate here

Donate via PayPal – MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Mission K9 Rescue has no relationship or connection to the United States Government.

We appreciate your consideration of our organization in planning your yearly giving and thank you for your support!


Military Hero Dog Reunited – CWD Jjoe

CWD Jjoe is no ordinary Military Hero Dog. The battlefields of Afghanistan proved to be too stressful and traumatic for this highly trained Contract Working Dog who can detect many different types of explosives.

Jjoe had a special gift that no one knew about before he was taken off the front line and into the command center and field hospital. He shined there.

He gave love and support to the wounded and boosted the morale of the troops he served with.

Jjoe went to the wounded and comforted them. He had some way to know when they needed him the most. Hundreds of our Servicemen and Women saluted him.

When it came his time to retire as the IDD program was winding down, his former handler thought of nothing other than his time with Jjoe and wanted to give him a forever retirement home.

MissionK9Rescue was honored to help transport Contract Working Dog JJoe home to Dallas, Texas on September 9th, 2014.

Link to NBC DFW Coverage

Mission K9 Rescue is a team of dedicated individuals and is funded solely through the monetary support of individuals that share our passion and respect for Working Dogs.

Your support is deeply appreciated and is paramount to our ability to “Lend a Hand to the Paws that Serve”.

Donate here

You can donate via Paypal to MissionK9Rescue@gmail.com

If you prefer to mail a check, please use this address for donations by mail:

Mission K9 Rescue
P.O. Box 395
Needville, TX 77461-0395


EIN 46-4302698 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization